Earth Keepers Summer Session 1

The Pfeiffer Garden 285 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

A farm and garden 4-week session for ages 6-14

Farming in Community: Summer Session 1

The Pfeiffer Garden 285 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

A Weekly Class Open to Everyone.
Learn how to grow food and care for the farm animals!

Biodynamics & Earth Evolution / Autumn Tasks

Side Room at Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Mac Mead introduces biodynamics in the context of the spiritual-scientific understanding of earth evolution. In the garden, we do hands-on work with the horn manure preparation, transplanting, raised beds, and planting cover crops.


Annual Farm-to-Table Benefit Dinner

Threefold Cafe 285 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Enjoy a sit-down dinner, prepared by Threefold Café, featuring biodynamic vegetables from Threefold Community Farm!
Includes raffle and auction to benefit the farm!


Introduction to Biodynamic Beekeeping

Fiber Craft Studio 275 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, United States

Alex Tuchman, Director of Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary introduces biodynamic beekeeping.


Biodynamic Beekeeping

Side Room at Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Alex Tuchman, Director of Spikenard Farm Honeybee Sanctuary leads us in an immersive weekend of the honeybee!


Large Animals and the Farm Organism

Side Room at Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Megan Durney shares about the essential nature of the animal, and Kim Vaughan covers the basics of biodynamic dairy herd management.


Midwinter Agriculture Intensive

Upper Brookside 287 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

At the heart of biodynamics is the image of caring for the earth and her kingdoms as for a living being that can unfold and develop into an independent, self-sustaining individuality.


The Individualized Farmscape and Pruning Fruit Trees

Side Room at Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Hugh Williams, one of the best orchardists in the East and a biodynamic farmer for over forty five years, shares his perspective and practical knowledge!


Seeing Nature Whole / Life Rhythms and Planting Calendar

Side Room at Threefold Auditorium 260 Hungry Hollow Rd, Chestnut Ridge, NY, United States

Craig Holdrege explains how to work with the living dynamic qualities of plants and animals. Sherry Wildfeuer takes us through the ins and outs of using the Stella Natura planting calendar.

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